Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day & School Starting

Well, I've had to take a bit of time off from blogging from a very nasty cold.  Thankfully, we don't typically go camping for Labor Day weekend because I'm not sure how I would have done that.

Now, of course, you're wondering why we don't go camping Labor Day weekend.  The kids start school tomorrow.  Since they always come home from a camping trip exhausted, I'm not a fan of mixing that with the excitement of the first day of school.  With school always starting the day after Labor Day, we don't go camping Labor Day weekend.

Maybe when the kids are older, I'll reconsider my ban on no camping Labor Day weekend.  I enjoyed seeing friends pictures of camping this weekend on Facebook.  Our family did enjoy our time together at home.  Husband got some yard work done, I got my first batch of salsa made for the season.  We played games and went to the movies.  And, I continued to recover from this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold.

Right now, the kids are getting themselves sparkly clean.  Their outfits are picked out.  Backpacks ready to go (with their Junior Ranger keychains, no less!).  Lunch boxes are ready for food.  I just set my alarm for the first time since June.  This family is ready to go.

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